

An onomatopoetic game for 3-80 voice artists by Andrea Meyer


Ages: 8+.
Length: ca. 45 minutes.
Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese
Price: 13,90 EUR (add package and postage)

6th edition, 2020, 5250 copies
Licenced edition with Schmidt-Spiele, 2008, 10,000 copies, sold out.
1st to 5th edition, 2000-2012, 9,500 copies, sold out.

A game by Andrea Meyer
Illustration: Andy Maurice Mueller, artwork: Christof Tisch
Translation: William Attia, Birgit Irgang, Marina Koop, Andrea Meyer, Silvano Sorrentino, Nobuaki Takerube

For all fans, all singers, all buccaneers and for those "somewhere over the rainbow".

The game

A song title containing the word "love"? Simple, isn't it? Sing it out loud? Well, okay ...

A song about a relative? Hm ... How about "Father and son" But do you remember the lyrics? Maybe the other players can help you ...


110 double-sided cards in six languages, rules in six languages

Teaching video:

At the Boardgamegeek-booth in Essen I explained Hossa  (in English).


Jonathan, Karin, Andrea and Martin play Hossa!
They set up a stack with 40 cards, of which 32 give keywords and 8 categories.

Jonathan draws the cards "rain" and "day of the week" He picks the keyword "rain" and passes it to the left.

Karin, Jonathan's left neighbour, comes up with the title "I'm singing in the rain", but does not sing it . She gets one point and takes a grey counter.

Next in line is Andrea, who sings the first line of "Raindrops are falling on my head" and scores two points.

Martin, Andreas left neighbour says "Purple Rain" and sings the chorus, which Jonathan and Andrea sing along. Martin gets five points, Jonathan and Andrea one each.

Karin and Jonathan each got one point, Andrea three and Martin five.

Karin is the next to pick a card. Jonathan passes her the stack, she draws the cards "part of the body" and "sing". She puts the latter aside and names the category "part of the body" aloud. Players must not name or sing the song "Raindrops are falling on my head" again.

The game is over when the stack is empty. The player with the most points wins the game.